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Self Care Treatment

Self Care Treatment is often brushed off and overlooked by individuals, which is unfortunate because it is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity.


The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by directly and immediately making the client feel better through the release of the happy hormone oxytocin, which in turn helps the client define their path in life in a more positive way.


Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional alternative touch therapy specialist can help you revive your mental health through systematic touch.

There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform into a sort of emotional tumor that impacts negatively on our daily life, such as lack of concentration, enthusiasm, self respect, will to change, encouragement, and so on.


These issues can spiral into our lives in various ways and gets channeled into other zones, which can create problems in the relationships, professional life, and health. We address the root cause of the emotional problem through touch.

Thinking Man on Couch
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